Fall 2024: The Health Issue

We are the environment. The environment is us! Indigenous cultures the world over have long understood this fundamental truth about our relationship to the natural world. From a holistic, indigenous perspective, health is not simply the absence of disease. An indigenous model of health includes five pillars of well-being: Spiritual; Mental and Emotional; Physical; Family and Social; and Land, Place and Rootedness. Scientific inquiry into human health has been slow to recognize the many benefits of time spent in nature. Research now increasingly recognizes nature’s critical role in the maintenance of these pillars which support our well-being. The greening of our buildings and communities can help to improve our health and the health of the land, air, water and many species we share the earth with. Choosing to protect, restore and design healthy environments is both a personal and professional decision that we can make.


In This Issue


Green Roof and Wall Industry News


The Living Architecture Monitor is a publication by Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, with a mission to increase awareness of the economic, social, and environmental benefits of green roofs, green walls and other forms of living architecture. The Living Architecture Monitor also hosts the Journal of Living Architecture (JLIV), a peer reviewed, scientific journal published by the Green Infrastructure Foundation (GIF).

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